What amazes me is the tantrum that DHH had about Typescript. I do not know if it is something that really believe, or it is a desperate intent to gain traction and make his projects relevant again.
About ruby, I used it mostly like a toy, but about JavaScript... it is a very misunderstood language. I needed Douglas Crockford to right some of my beliefs to understand better that language. It is far more powerful than it seems, yet, new standards are adding too much noise (like for example, the fake class system). About TypeScript, it turns out that it has a more powerful (not sure if robust) type system than most languages, being very close to Haskell.
Yet, I remember learn a few tricks from JavaScript when working with Java that simplified a lot of concurrent (multi-threading, multi-server) code (here there is an example). Later, in Java 8 and so on, the language itself added sugar syntax to ease such constructions.
But, what is true, is that I have observed that generally projects get more f*cked up when using JavaScript than when using other more strict languages like C# or Java. I would say because the entrance barrier is greater and almost anyone can code JavaScript, but I have seen experienced programmers with Java/C# programming JavaScript... and they also make horrible code...
So... now we need a language safe to run on browsers...