Sadly, as Robert C. Martin once said «It's a sad fact of our industry that the names of good things pretty quickly lose their meaning because people steal those names, in order to steal the good reputation». In the original context, he was talking about MVC, there are several frameworks claiming to be MVC, that does not follow the MVC principles as defined by Trygve Reenskaug. But the original quote is in plural, so Robert C. Martin gives us to understand that it does apply to many other concepts.
Nowadays, almost every concept has been distorted, and their meanings have been almost lost. Concepts like DDD, BDD, or TDD are almost lost, as you have said, as Buzz Words.
I have a story explaining my evolution with TDD because I had a perspective very close to yours. But I was determined to understand why there was "so hype", and after years of tweaking the technique, I finally understood why, and how. It was not easy. Nowadays, I expect from any that works with me or for me to follow TDD; but that involves a great deal of correcting bad practices. Without that correction, TDD is nothing but a waste of time and money.
Anyway, I am glad to read about your perspective. Mostly to see that I have been able to contribute something. I read about "Teams Topologies" recently, so I am in the begging phase, but it helps a lot to understand some friction points and how to polish them. I hope that it would be as useful to you as it was for me.