It really seems true that AI tends to use those words over others... but, it turns out that I do many of those things, even before ChatGPT was a thing.
As a non-english native speaker, my writing is a little but different. In fact, just to test how AI "plagiarism" works, I tested some of my writings —even the oldest ones—, and it often gives a false positive, saying that my writing comes from "chatgpt".
About "transformative"... there are too many people, specially around Agile, overusing that word.
Foster… well, for me was a barely known word until chatgpt started to teach me… and I started to use it. Without it, it was difficult to translate some expressions, like “una bona acollida”.
Tapestry... it is a Next Generation episode name. So, I know it, and I love to use it.
This is about/All about... it is 100% mine. I use it a lot. Maybe because it comes from my mother tongue?
Think of X as ... just like before.
Like/It's like... just like before.
Not only .... but also ... that is not only 100% totally me, but also how I tend to express some of the most confusing ideas so it is more clear.
Sentence length is the one that I agree with, because only boring teachers speak with looong and boring sentences, and they also write books that you must read with those looong and boring sentences, sentences that seems never end, going from one point to the other, without saying too much, and assuming too much, longer than this one. Uhm, and most of the teachers are of this kind…
Final thoughts: Thanks for the lesson. I hope I will be able to improve my writing thanks to you! Not only I never thought that some of these are annoying, but also I always thought that it were smart!
One missing word: delve!