I would love, but that is hard! Really hard. I think that the tools are not yet there. Specially because there can be dependencies with domain events only presents on the backend.
> Note: I have written a follow-up about the challenges involved and the overall architecture here: https://medium.com/@drpicox/overcoming-the-implementation-challenges-of-micro-frontends-a739b1630f43
But, keeping things simple (and often we can do some simplifications on frontend), then, for example, Redux can help a lot:
- https://medium.com/gitconnected/redux-and-doman-driven-development-29f818f60f2f
Also we have Webpack Module Federation, but with esmodules it is not so critical now. (Before them, I was using AMD, which gives amazing control for this stuff)
And this other article is also interesting, showing 5 ways to implement domain even coordination:
- https://sharvishi9118.medium.com/cross-micro-frontend-communication-techniques-a10fedc11c59
And there are a lot more things, but some need to be taken with a grain of salt. Specially because, for example, I have found articles suggesting using monorepos to have all the microfrontends together... which goes against one of the requirements of DDD of one repository, one team.
But, besides everything, I have learned that the most important is to understand well the DDD strategy. Because, if the strategy is good, and we try to keep teams decoupled, good tactics will emerge.