I like your response, but because it shows the misconception that we have been taught so many times.
BDD is TDD. In fact, Dan North created BDD to teach TDD: https://dannorth.net/introducing-bdd/
«I had a problem. While using and teaching agile practices like test-driven development (TDD) on projects in different environments, I kept coming across the same confusion and misunderstandings. […] I decided it must be possible to present TDD in a way that gets straight to the good stuff and avoids all the pitfalls. My response is behaviour-driven development (BDD).» — Dan North
I do not know, I guess because people try to understand the difference, they created artificial barriers and added weird rules to what is, and what is not TDD. Sadly, TDD Unit Tests got confused with QA Unit Tests, which are useless in this environment, and damaged a lot of what TDD can do, and what not.
And BDD represents a set of good practices that we should adopt with TDD. So, it is a kind of revival of TDD.
BTW: the pioneers of TDD already created tools like BDD to work with TDD, like Fit or Fitnesse. Somehow, in just few years everything got forgotten :/
Thanks Benjamin for your comment!