Member-only story
How Your GPT Will Throw You Under the Bus (Without Remorse)
After your first GPT, get ready for the unexpected and discover why alignment is the big deal.
Imagine a world where AI understands and amplifies your insights with perfect clarity. One in which you can create one GPT to help others. But soon, the reality of misalignment and misinterpretation dawned. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and GPT can lead you there in the kindest way possible. Join me as we delve into the labyrinth of aligning AI with the unexpected nuances of creating a GPT.
Let’s start from the beginning. In the previous article, I provided a simple guide that, in four steps, created a GPT expert in your articles. And it was great, adding a new dimension to reading. And if you have done it, and have tried it out, you will discover that it’s incredible at finding answers to questions that you had even forgotten.
What could go wrong?
Not finding our most interesting discoveries
Surely, we have all encountered unique insights and perspectives that have been eye-opening, and we’ve wanted to share these discoveries. Isn’t that the purpose of having a blog? It’s about disseminating our discoveries, sharing our valued knowledge…