Hi John! I'm glad to hear that.
I often find a lot of resistant about points 1 and 2. So, it's good to hear from you that you are also sharing these pain points.
About three, I would refer to the remarkable presentation from Jez Humble called "Principles of Lean Product Management". He explains much better than me the problems of spending resources on a suboptimal feature. And... that makes me think that I should improve my writing on that because I believe that it is the stronger actor here.
From the video, I point to the minute 11 because there is the graph from Forrester Consulting/ThoughtWorks about how next products are built, and based on 161, 76% percent of companies do not use any economic model to choose the next functionality.
So, that gives a lot of margin to improve. And if you do A, but B has a better result... aren't you wasting resources?