DHH is using TS, even if he does not want to. So, he seems really short-sighted when he says, "I will use JS but not TS".
From your comment, what I do not understand is the whole picture of "stance" "ideological fight" "fans" "both sides", that is complete pointless, and very far away from this post. Its people against DHH, not against JS, or the preference for JS.
Of course, there are many extreme people who want to type every single symbol, that is why I wrote "self-inflicted damage". That is something that even more people follow, not because they know what they do, just because someone added a few lines to the linters, and they followed it without question.
That is fanaticism. But that is not the point of the people opposing DHH. People oppose him because DHH did a major code change, without warning, conflicting with each line of each pending pull request, and of course, throwing away a lot of their effort and sweat. Also, because like DHH himself says, type everything is like "gymnastics" and they were forced by the code standards to follow them; just to throw it away without warning. That was, in a polite way to say, rude. That, added with the ignorance of not knowing that JS is a subset of TS, made people very suspicious, at least.
And just look, as a proof, you will not find such big opposition towards Svelte. And they also ditched types in code.
But the question is, being TS a superset of JS, and TS what all IDEs use to help autocompletion (except for plain text editors with some rich formatting), don't you think pointless for him to say "I will not use TS"? Will DHH refuse to use an IDE for the rest of his life?