20 Steps Test for Better Software Development

Let’s update the 12 Step Test questions from Joel Spolsky from Trello and Stack Overflow with the latests discoveries from software development.

David Rodenas PhD


Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

The last week, I published an article revisiting the twelve steps for better code from Joel Spolsky, co-creator of Slack and Trello. Although those steps were very significant twenty-three years ago, they were just a glimpse of the techniques that were still to come from Lean and Continuous Delivery. Instead of following Joel’s experience and instincts, now we have more research and better understanding about what makes a good software development perform excellently.

If the previous list was created by Joel, exposing experiences and anecdotes about what it worked, in this new list you will find a more refined and solid list based on the research of tens of thousands of software development companies.

And this time, this list is not only for managers trying to improve their software development organization, but also for developers and other roles trying to improve their own organization. Because something that we have discovered is that better organizations increase the job satisfaction.



David Rodenas PhD
David Rodenas PhD

Written by David Rodenas PhD

Passionate software engineer & storyteller. Sharing knowledge to advance our skills. Join me on a journey of discovery in the world of software engineering.

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